понедельник, 4 июня 2012 г.

Stage3D wireframe

Hello. Lets talk about wireframe rendering.

Why bother with it? Well, it can show geometry compexity - i.e. you can see number of triangles. For example you can show your amazing shader mesostructure effect and then show that there's only two triangles per plane!

The shader I implemented based on nvidia's paper (source pdf). And it's quite simple. The main idea is to calculate fragment position on triangle. If it near the edge we shade it and at the end we get triangle outline. The magic is in interpolation of vertex-edge distances in vertex shader. All we need to know - is the distances from vertices to opposite edges.

Notice also that for vertex a we write distances in vector form as (da, 0, 0), for vertex b as (0, db, 0) and for c as (0, 0, dc). Then we pass this distances form vertex shader to fragment shader. Next, in fragment shader we choose smallest from da, db and dc ant that's our corect distance of fragment to edge.

The main problem that we can't calculate this distances in geometry shader as nvidia's paper do (simply because we DON'T HAVE geometry shader). We must calculate them beforehand and supply as vertex attribute (see formula on picture above). This means that we need to duplicate a lot of data - each vertex must be unique - i.e. it must not be shared between several triangles.

So, we have correct distance in fragment shader. What next? We simply check that distance with some value (line thickness) and shade this fragment only if it in correct position. Here's a demo:


As you can see - it works but wireframe is jaggy, not antialiased. To fix that I use smoothing function from paper. The smoothness applied on 2px range in range from [lineThickness - 1] to [lineThickness + 1]. The result (you can change line width with slider):


Vertex shader:
alias va0, pos;
alias va1, distance;



alias v0, distanceOut; //for vertex a Vector.([da, 0, 0])

op =  mul4x4(pos, TRANSFORM_MATRIX);
distanceOut = distance;

Fragment shader:
alias fc0, LINE_COLOR;
alias fc1.x, ONE;
alias fc1.y, MINUS_TWO;
alias fc1.z, TWO;
alias fc1.w, POW;
alias fc2.y, THICKNESS_PLUS_ONE;


alias ft0, d; //correct fragment distance
alias ft1, oneOrZero;
alias ft2, color;
alias ft3, smoothValue;
alias ft4, temp;

alias v0, distanceIn;

color = LINE_COLOR;

min d.x, distanceIn.x, distanceIn.y;
min d.x, d.x, distanceIn.z;

//get smooth value - it's a value in range [+1] -> [~0] on 2px interval
temp = THICKNESS_PLUS_ONE - d.x;
temp = TWO - temp;
pow temp temp POW;
temp *= MINUS_TWO;
exp smoothValue temp;

//if fragment distance [d] < [thickess - 1], then 'temp' set to 1 otherwise set to smooth value
slt oneOrZero d.x THICKNESS_MINUS_ONE;
temp = ONE * oneOrZero;
oneOrZero = ONE - oneOrZero;
smoothValue *= oneOrZero;
temp += smoothValue;

color.w *= temp;

//if fragment distance greater then max allowed thickness, then discard it (set alpha to 0)
slt oneOrZero d.x THICKNESS_PLUS_ONE;

temp = oneOrZero - ONE;

//if fragment outside line thicknes + smooth range - discard it
kill temp.x;

oc = color;

And this is wireframe in action on complex geometry:


P.S.: you can rotate geometry with left and right mouse button and move it forward/backward wth +/-.

3 комментария:

  1. hey great post, do you have any AGAL code used?

    Эй, великий пост, есть ли у вас AGAL код используется?

  2. Hi. I didn't understand what you mean under "any AGAL code used". Vertex and pixel shaders are both written in AGAL using AGALMacroAssembler.

  3. Привет всем, я Адрик Вадим, живу в городе Курган, я хочу поделиться со всеми вами здесь тем, как мистер Педро помог мне с кредитом в размере 15 000 000,00 рублей, чтобы начать доставку еды и напитков после того, как у меня есть работа в несколько отелей здесь, в кургане, просто чтобы заработать на жизнь, но, к сожалению, мне все еще было трудно платить за аренду, но я благодарю Бога, что теперь я работаю не по найму, и на моем попечении работают 5 человек. Просто, если вы ищете финансовую свободу, я советую вам связаться с г-ном Педро с этим электронным письмом ниже pedroloanss@gmail.com
